Bong Prank On The Cops
- VitalyzedTV hits a bong out in public, right in front...
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16 Criminally Bad Santas
- These not-so-nice Santas were all arrested while "on...
29 Infamous Serial Killers
- Criminals from the past, sociopath or psychopath?
The Worst Thief Ever
- A wanna-be criminal manages to destroy everything he's...
12 Craziest CSI Investigations
- You won't believe what these investigators have seen.
Russian Gangsters Rob Funny Driver
- Some gangsters rob a man, but not before he can get in...
Late Night Arcade: Quantum Corps
- Clean up the city with your elite powers of...
10 Serial Killers Still At Large
- Does one live near you?
Internet Celebrity Wanted For Murder
- Authorities are searching for Kai and say he is armed...
The 2 Year Old Bedtime Bandit
- Great cat burglars start off early!
Taste Buddies
- Some cops follow their gut... Detective Sabor follows...
YouTuber Arrested For Giving Wedgies
- RossCreations got arrested after someone claimed he...
Choose Your Own Crime Stats
- Crime stats "they" would rather you not know...
Turtle On Turtle Crime
- A giant tortoise knocks another flat on his back.
Arsonist Sets Himself On Fire
- Trying to burn down a beauty salon.
Robber Gets Leg Sweeped Arcade Style
- You been fumblin with the wrong Mongolian!
Creepy Crimes Plague East Coast
- The Zombie Apocalypse Has Started!
Man Fights Armed Robber
- Don't think your Moped's worth dying over fella.
Criminal Commits 11 Felonies In 9 Hours
- Bath salts are a hell of a drug.
Ted Nugent Crushes Piers Morgan
- "Kiss my ass!"
Woman Saves Cop From Old Man
- Cop pulls over old man, struggle ensues, old man goes...
Armed Robbery Fail
- He couldn't get the register open, as a result he took...
Medical Marijuana Dispensary Burglary Caught on Camera
- Three suspects broke into a medical marijuana...
Meth-Addled Maniac's Milwaukie Meltdown
- Best mugshot ever? Methamphetamine is a hellofa drug...
Store Owner Fights Off Robber With Bat
- Never bring a knife to a gun fight....bring a bat...
Shoplifting Dog Returns to Scene of Crime
- all for a bit of rawhide
15yo Girl Beaten While Security Watches
- Teen beaten and robbed inches away from Metro security...
Adult Store Crash and Dash
- Idiot uses his car to break into a porn shop and steal...
The Truth About Amsterdam
- Anti cannabis journalists get owned
Roadside Fight Club
- Two guys are caught on camera having a fight on the...
13 Year Old Skater Attacked and Arrested
- These kids should of listened to the property manager...
Mugging Gone Wrong
- This is a video of my asian friend being "mugged" at a...
Dramatic 911 Call (Killings on Tape)
- This 911 call, from a couple of weeks ago in Texas,...
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