Undercover Cops Run a Red Light And Try To Blame An...
- They try to bully and intimidate a confession out of...
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Police Ram Suspect In Busy Gas Station Parking Lot
- Bystanders at a QuickTrip gas station got a front row...
San Francisco Cops Fire 65 Shots At Murder Suspect's...
- Surprisingly, not a single person was injured.
5 Instant Justice Videos That Are Just Plain Satisfying
- When people acting like jerks get what's coming to...
5 Horrifying Police Fights Caught On Camera
- Watch these shocking, brutal, and bizarre moments...
Sheriff's Deputy Guilty Of Molesting 3 Minors Will NOT...
- Kenneth L. Hatch III is accused of providing minors...
Fugitive Reads Twitch Streamer Chat While Getting...
- While sitting in the back of a police car, one...
Spike TV is Shutting Down and Their Twitter Person is...
- At first, it seemed like Spike was in the middle of a...
Mexican Police Caught Stealing Electronics During A...
- Come on in, we're open for business!
93 Year Old Woman Evicted From Home Spends Two Nights...
- Bodycam footage from the arrest showed her screaming...
How Arizona Cops "Legally" Shoot People
- Basically the deadliest game of Simon Says, and you...
Woman Taking Out Her Trash Is Attacked By A Police Dog
- Desiree Collins was taking out the trash when a...
Botched Drug Raid Ends With Undercover Police and SWAT...
- A team of officers raided a known drug house while...
Police Have Stand Off With Man Firing BB Gun At...
- He just wanted to get rid of an annoying squirrel when...
LAPD Body Cam Appears To Show Cop Planting Drugs On...
- No wonder so many police departments were resistant to...
Clever Police Tactic To Expose Stoned Drivers
- Always eat before you leave the house.
Cop Asks Citizen For Help Catching Suspect
- "C'mon aren't you a good citizen?"
Indiana Police Shoot At An Actor Filming A Movie Scene
- "We're filming a movie!" Is the last thing a cop wants...
Curb Your Sovereignty - Woman vs. Police
- A woman who thinks she knows the law gets a taste of...
Man Goes Slap Happy After Discovering The Power of the...
- The slappening, part 2.
Guy Makes A 'Breaking Bad' Style Escape During Police...
- "This is my own private domicile and I will not be...
Drone Footage Of Guy Running From Police, Swimming...
- Video of man who jumped into the ocean to run from the...
Crazy White Nationalist Fires Into A Crowd of People
- Disturbing footage that recently surfaced from the...
38 Anonymous Confessions From Police Officers That...
- Cops are people just like the rest of, so what kind of...
Watch These Cops Casually Discuss If They Should Plant...
- "We should carry one of those black ISIS flags with...
Things Escalate Quickly When Dude Refuses To Pay His...
- Things go from bad to wtf with a quickness.
Baltimore Cop's BodyCam Shows Him Planting Narcotics...
- The incident that took place in Baltimore shows an...
New Jersey Cop Caught Possibly Planting Evidence In A...
- The cop had nothing to say once the man confronted him...
Girl Accuses Cop Of Sexual Assault, Police Chief...
- An officer's name is cleared after recently released...
Police Get Trolled After Posting The Worst Ever...
- Lincolnshire Police created this E-fit to find a guy...
Crazy Woman Tries To Escape Arrest And Almost Runs...
- She only made things worse for herself by trying to...
Asshole Cop Points His Gun In The Faces Of A Family He...
- Who else thinks Deputy Doofus might have abused his...
Hero Cop Rescues Dog From Drowning
- A Chicago PD rescues a panicked dog after she falls in.
Crackhead Zombies Get Tased In Front Of Store
- Yet another reason to stay away from drugs!
Cops Caught On Dash-cam Talking Shit About A Woman...
- These two Toronto police officers can be heard talking...
Rude Customer Slaps Store Manager And Gets Owned
- I hate people who *attempt* to act tough when they...
Dude Gets Pulled Over Twice By Cops And Dips On Both...
- Troll level: Savage!
Confrontation With Group Of Teens Turns Physical Very...
- Officer Bad Temper storms in and things just...
Man Performs His Fool Proof Method Of Escaping The Cops
- When in a bind, this flexible duct tubing might just...
Cop Pulls Man Over For "Unsecured Child" But There Is...
- A confused driver gets a happy surprise from his wife...
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