Dog Don't Like Obama
- wow how does this dog know Obama is trying to give...
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One Wheel Car
- It looks fun, but i would want to be in a head on...
Fungi Growth Time Lapse
- Amazing time lapse of fungi growth and death
The Magic Pipe
- known as "that 1 Guy" He was trained origonally as a...
Disturbing PSA Texting and Driving
- So is getting back on a text really that worth it?
Monday Morning Randomness!
- 2nd Installment, start your week off with some random...
Crash Your Clunker!
- Screw cashing it in........... Do it Redneck style and...
Drunk Women Insults Her Boss on Camera
- And Guess who walks up behind her?
Logos Gone Wild!
- Some Logos In nature / real world.
Girl Falls Down Sewer Texting
- This is a prime example that texting not only can kill...
Insane Video Mapping Projections
- Incredible Real-Life Projections On The Side Of A...
Alternate Intro to Full House
- Its great! They all die!
WTF Gallery 3
- Even more WTF pictures.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Freshly released from the vaults, the M.M.R. that...
Cool Laser
- This laser could be cool at concerts.
Images U Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
- Some pretty amazing images that have not been 'shopped.
Ferret CPR
- A true hero saves ...... a ferret? Huh......... what...
Golden Power
- I Think That Is Similar To Gay Pride...
The Game Gun
- Really cool hack for first person shooters
Kemonozume 8 Intro
- So this is a childrens show in Japan?
Crazy "OLD" Nike Air Yeezy Guy
- This crazy old dude walk up to people Waiting in line...
Kid On Crutches Skateboarding
- Bet he is better than you!
16 Year Old Girls Are Stripping Naked in Rhode Island?
- Yup, it legal there by law, but Moral?
Cool Engine
- I'm not sure how it works, but it's pretty cool.
Street Drummer
- Sounds better than most real drummers.
Gun Recoil Knockout
- There is a reason that a rifle is a rifle and not a...
Joy and Pain
- Nothing like a drunk having the time of his life and a...
LOL WTF Gallery 2
- Random funny and wtf pics.
Hey Japan, Thanks For Grossing Us Out
- yet another crazy WTF moment from some Japanese music...
Driver's License Trick
- Turn your driver's license into a musical instrument.
Stop-Motion Battle
- The ultimate stop-motion battle from hell!
3 Funny PSA's
- Something To start the middle of the week...
Macho Douche Bag Gallery
- with pretty and obviously very stupid girls.... You'll...
12 lbs of Tannerite vs. Geo Metro
- 12 pounds of tannerite can really fuck up a car! and...
Keyboard Drums
- This guy shows off his drum skills on the keyboard.
Fallout 3 WTFDANCE?!?!?!
- this is sweet
Giant Shark Ashore
- A 15 foot basking shark washed up on shore in Long...
Pancho Looses His Cool...
- ..and falls on his ass.
Egor Rocking Out
- This guy says it all, and states the facts. And he...
Rukka Rukkal Ali
- Racist.......or funny............or truth....you decide
eBaum's Picks