Untrained 53 Year Old Man Vs Trained MMA Fighter
- Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets.
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Filter featured
- A fresh batch of gifs for you to enjoy!
Go Right
- Packed with so much awesome nostalgia.
Suicide Bear Jumps Off a Tree
- He almost killed himself to death.
Autistic Six Year Old Plays Piano Man
- Boy playing the Billy Joel classic Piano Man with his...
Star Wars Lip Sync
- The editor must be a Jedi!
Incredible Basketball Shot
- Awesome...exactly how he planned it.
Frog Sittin' On a Dock Of the Bay
- Coolest frog you'll ever meet.
Jackals Random Sunday Facts
- Innnnnnteressting.....
Colacans Top Choice RETRO EDITION
- hopefully this will trigger some childhood memories if...
Your Childhood Destroyed
- I don't want to go back to childhood...
Amazing Yo-Yo Table Cloth Trick
R2D2's Other Message
- Tupac sends a message from the dark side.
Happy 420 Part Deux
- I was gonna make it 32 pics but i got stoned. LOL
Face Transplant Surgery
- After being shot in the face in 1997 and many...
Stuff That's Awesome
- A fresh batch of awesomeness.
Trolling Level: Intergalactic
- May the fourth.....
Cool Electrostatic Effect on Water
- Science FTW. Check out the cool effect static...
This Guy Loves His Job
- So, who is cutting onions?
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with some randomness!
Close Range Lightning Strike at Airport
- Would have been more exciting if it hit the plane.
Street Racing
- Did they died? They all survived.
Sweet Brown Gets Cold Pop
- She got time for that!
Sweet Brown Gets Cold Pop
- She got time for that!
Meanwhile In Belgium
- Don't push that button...you'll be in for a surprise.
Stuff That's Awesome
- Moar stuff, moar awesome.
Caine's Arcade
- A 9 year old boy, who built an elaborate cardboard...
Encountering a Great White Shark While Fishing
- Damn nature, you scary.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with some randomness!
Useless Yet Awesome Machines
- They serve no purpose yet are amazing.
Old Man Hearing Music From His Era
- This is quite amazing.
Talkboy: The WTF Version
- Wish I still had mine.
Think You're Good At Draw It Games?
- Think again sucka.
Project Glass By Google
- Shut up and take my money, Google.
Abstract Photography
- Would ya just look at this!!!
7.1 Million Americans in Prison
- All to feed privatized prisons
PAL-V Flying Car
- Shut up and take my money.
Google Maps 8-bit for NES
- To start your 8-bit quest click here:
So...This Is Called Sepaktakraw?
- I'm pretty sure this is awesome.
eBaum's Picks