Cuteness Overload
- 46 gifs and pictures of everything cute.
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X-Men Origins: Wolverine Cat
- Hello Caturday, we meet again...
Olympic Cat Curling
- U.S. looks to take home the Gold here!
Fluffy Cat's Jump Fail
- Furball ends up as an airball!
Tiger Cuddles On The Couch
- 6 month old tiger Jonas spends the night with...
Just A Game Of Cat And Mouse
- Only its not the cat who's in control this time!
Cat's First Snow Experience
- What is this stuff!?
Cat And Squirrel Play On A Roof Top
- Just a couple of unlikely animal friends, messing...
These Animals Aren't Great At Jumping
- 27 Gifs of animals taking the leap, and failing...
Hey Guys, Please Calm Down
- A cat watches two cats (off screen) arguing and pleads...
"La Peur" - The Fear
- A compilation of scaredy cats.
Talented Skateboarding Super Cat
- Here is the world's best skateboarding cat!
Just A Cat Chillin' In A Bowl
- Can you guess the number of f*cks given by this cat?
Dog Snores In Cat's Arms
- Warning: Cuteness Overload!
This Cat Loves Hugs
- Man hugs his cat, the cat hugs him back, and the...
- Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even...
Feral Cat Attacks Woman In The Snow
- This woman trying to "shoo" a feral cat finds out the...
Waffles The Cat's Icy Fail
- Waffles almost became a pancake.
Cat Vs Christmas Tree
- A cat climbing a Christmas tree is a disaster waiting...
Just A Bobcat At The Dinner Table
- Not my first choice in a pet, but that is one loving...
Kitty Wants Some Air Time
- A curious cat steals the show from a CBC news crew.
George The Talking Cat
- This cat will greet you differently than other felines.
Kitten Trying To Catch Air
- Kitty doesn't like wind blowing in his face, and tries...
Cute Kitten About To Pounce
- Wait for it... wait for it.... pew!
The Upsetting Origins Of Everyday Sayings
- Just bite the bullet, and you'll be pleased as punch...
Intrigued Cat Vs Windshield Wipers
- Houston, we have liftoff!
Lady Talks Smack To A Cat
- The owner used a human to feline speech translator.......
Adorable Monkey Grooms Cat
- I could watch this for hours. Warning: Cuteness...
Reporter Accidently Eats Cat Vomit
- He thought it was grapenuts...he was dead wrong.
Cat Sees A Balloon
- A cat sees a balloon and it's reaction is priceless.
Chick Sleeps Under Cats Chin
- A little chick cuddles up to his best buddy, a cat.
Bengal Kitten Plays Fetch
- An adorable young kitten named Beavis plays fetch with...
Fireman With A GoPro Saves A Kitten
- Cory Kalanick rescues an unconscious kitten from a...
Crazy Cat Lady VS. Neighbor
- Introducing Crazy Rhubarb Lady's sister: Crazy Cat...
Leopard Likes To Be Pet
- This big cat purrs when being pet by one of his...
Cat Slides Around Kitchen Table
- Apparently kitty got into the cat nip again.
Adorable Kittens Being Adorable
- It looks like they may be too tired to play...
- Get your Thursday morning started with a fresh batch...
Cat Can't Catch The Windshield Wiper
- He keeps falling short, and begins to ponder the point...
Cat Loves Getting A Massage
- This laid back kitty was thinking a massage would be...
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