Very Close Call
- This guy plays off nearly getting killed better than...
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Forklift VS Car
- I'm surprised that the driver of the car lived through...
Horrific Accidents
- Some real nasty car crashes!
Redneck Power Window
- Rednecks truly are the McGuyvers of the world.
Rolled By Car
- This lady gets rolled down the street by an out of...
Pimpin' Cars
- This brings pimp my ride to a whole new level!
Terrible Driver
- What the hell was this moron thinking?
Monster Mini
- This Mini Cooper is crazy.
Wheels Fall Off
- You'd think they'd make sure that this never happens.
Car at 70 MPH vs Deer
- This does not end well for the car or the deer......
- Better than speed bumps!
Another Bad Driver
- Does anyone have an idea of what this moron is...
Car KO
- Your chances in a fight aren't looking good if you...
Nearly Killed
- This has to be one of the luckiest guys in the world.
Nasty Accident
- This guy was drove right into a large truck.
Car Wash Moron
- You won't believe what this idiot does at a car wash.
Car Wash Moron
- This guy gets what he deserves for opening his car...
Crazy Streets
- Some of the craziest streets around.
The New Million Dollar Lamborghini
- One Of The Nicest Cars Ever Made!
Hot Chicks, Hot Cars
- Hot chicks with sweet cars.
People Are Strange
- I would really hate to be at this crosswalk.
Baked Potato Geo
- Geo metro covered in aluminum foil (400 ft). Another...
Bird Hits Window Hard
- Check out the mark this bird left after whacking this...
Life and death of the car
- car accident 09.18.07 near the Ternopol in Russia....
Car Roll Away
- The parking brake is your friend.
Parking Maniac
- You wont believe how bad this dentist flips out over a...
Europe VS Iraq
- This video breaks down the difference between Europe...
Car Dump
- Pay attention where you park!
BMW vs Deer
- This doesn't end pretty for either.
Cool SUV Concept
- Suzuki X-Head Concept at the Tokyo Auto Show.
Knit Ferrari
- Someone took the time to knit a full sized Ferrari.
Drag Racer
- I don't think he'll be beating any records.
Artistic Lamborghini
- When a Lamborghini passes by we usually stop and...
Hot Rides
- at L.A.s Hot Import Nights
SUV Moron
- I think everyone except the driver saw this one coming.
Car Roll
- At least he stuck the landing.
Robot Destroys Car
- God Bless America.
Saturn fell in my backyard
- This Saturn crashed right through my (former) garage...
Flying Car
- Attaching a jet engine to a car sounds like a good...
Lift Car With Water
- Some bored firemen rig up some hoses to lift a car 20...
eBaum's Picks