Guitar Smacking
- This guy puts a hell of a lot of guitar players to...
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Monday Morning Randomness!
- 2nd Installment, start your week off with some random...
Crash Your Clunker!
- Screw cashing it in........... Do it Redneck style and...
How to Make a Flower Glow
- thats right, a flower that glows, all you need is some...
Japanese Perverted Figurines 2
- What perverted anime fans spend fortune on.
Alternate Intro to Full House
- Its great! They all die!
WTF Gallery 3
- Even more WTF pictures.
Ferret CPR
- A true hero saves ...... a ferret? Huh......... what...
Biggest Waterslide Stunt EVER
- Bruno Kammerl built the biggest waterslide on earth...
There, I Fixed It
- You know when your wife or some other annoying person...
Sexy Japanese Advertisement
- The reactions from passers-by are hilarious. Boobies...
Crazy "OLD" Nike Air Yeezy Guy
- This crazy old dude walk up to people Waiting in line...
16 Year Old Girls Are Stripping Naked in Rhode Island?
- Yup, it legal there by law, but Moral?
Fighting Clown Whisky
- Go a Round with the Clown!
Street Drummer
- Sounds better than most real drummers.
Joy and Pain
- Nothing like a drunk having the time of his life and a...
Seaside Miniatures
- Tilt-shift and time-lapse photography makes this video...
14 Guys Caught Looking at Boobs
- Everyone gets caught looking at boobs now and then.
Worst Movie Ending EVER!!!
- The title says it all............
WayBack WHENsday: How Is Babby Formed?
- Classic: How is babby formed, how girl get pregnant?
Hey Japan, Thanks For Grossing Us Out
- yet another crazy WTF moment from some Japanese music...
What People Google
- You will be suprised at the result and the...
Stop-Motion Battle
- The ultimate stop-motion battle from hell!
3 Funny PSA's
- Something To start the middle of the week...
Asfalt vs. Cheboksarax
- These ladies have a tough time crossing the street.
Egor Rocking Out
- This guy says it all, and states the facts. And he...
Auto Tune the News
- Auto Tune does wonders, even for the news!
Potato Gun Through a Car
- We LOVE guns,any gun it doesn't matter but we LOVE...
Rukka Rukkal Ali
- Racist.......or funny............or truth....you decide
R.C. Plane with FPV and Fireworks
- I would terrorize the neighborhood with this.
- Some totally random WTF pictures.
Michael Jackson Face Found In Tree Stump
- Ok, too many people are going too far...
Sooner Fan Booger Eater at Wimbleton
- Pop Corn was to expensive, so what the hell.......
Mad Black Man in Da Woods....
- unforgivable.....
News Reporter Pimp Slaps Unruly Michael Jackson Fan On...
- The reaction of the two news anchors in the studio is...
Truck vs Security Pillar Test
- Truck go bye bye.
Computer Beach Party
- Yes nothing like a geeky tale of a nerd that rules the...
The Bunny Sleeper
- This has got to be one of the most WTF moments on the...
Cebu Inmates Perform Michael Jackson Tribute to Death
- Cebu Inmates Perform Michael Jackson Tribute to the...
- An awesome stop motion movie.
eBaum's Picks