Skater Ball Strike Comedy
- little skater kid gets his balls wrecked.
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Rally Celebration Fail
- Leszek Kuzaj wins a rally in Poland and fails while...
Low Flying Aircraft Over House
- plane flying really low over house
Naked Man And Street Brawl
- Bay to Breakers summed up in 30 seconds. Don't mess...
Crazy Hailstorm
- amazing video of hailstorm by a pool
Pack of Wild Dogs Attack Woman
- Who let the dogs out !
Cheap Haircut
- just go to the barber man...lol
Super Sexy CPR
- I hope you have all learned something from this...
Juggalos Part One... Acid
- a look into the lives of juggalos in their natural...
I Can Fix That
- good ol' ingenuity at its finest
Police Arrest Fail
- handcuffs WOULD have been a good idea.
Gina Carano Gets Farted On
- hot MMA fighter girls doing yoga, and one of them gets...
Run For The Porta-Potty
- some weird in-field event at the 2010 Kentucky Derby...
Mizuka's Caturday Special 3
- Have a sexy Caturday!
Guy Goes After Gunman with a Chair
- this guy had ballz
Man Almost Nailed by a Train
- Dude !... Look out !
Bad Ass
- holy shit this guy is awesome
Will Ferrell Express
- Will Ferrell made a special appearance for the Round...
Longboard Faceplant
- this chick eats the pavement...jump to the :40 mark
Walk on Water
- ...Liquid Mountaineering.
Pimp My Snowboard
- Guy installed LEDs in his snowboard. The effect looks...
Cat Catches Food
- Cool cat trick, i need to train my kitteh like this one
Longboard Crash Into Truck
- longboarders in Uruguay aren't very good.
Indian Lady Singing We Will Rock You
- Funny Indian lady giving an audition to Idol
Middle Tennessee Tornado Penis
- I made a guest appearance in this one! can you find me?
Monday Morning Randomness!
- Ease your Monday morning blues with some M.M.R.
Dutch Marines Raid Cargo Ship
- and capture Somali pirates..
Geico Guy's Inflammatory Call
- he sounds like he's being nice....
Most Expensive Water Fountain in the World
- Simply amazing.
NASA Space Balloon Wipes Out Car
- A multi-million dollar space balloon containing a...
Where the Wild Things Are Sapronos
- Potty Mouth Monsters
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout II
- This week's F.U.C.K. is brought to you by MemphisT56.
Huge Nest of Daddy Long Legs
- oh man this is creepy
Spring Break Brawl
- I love how the girls just continue to dance with all...
What if Pulp Fiction Had a Laugh Track?
- It would prob go something like...
As Seen On TV Dummies
- the awful actors that portray how nobody acts so you...
Incredible Hand Boarding
- This guy is incredible.
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout
- This week's F.U.C.K. is brought to you by Mizuka.
Plane Gets Hit by Lightning
- joey...you ever watch gladiator movies, that would...
Crazy Video of Earthquake
- poolside security camera footage of the quake in...
eBaum's Picks