Shower Thoughts That Actually Make Sense
- More brilliant ideas and deep thoughts that are hard...
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20 Remarkably Satisfying Images
- Pics and gifs that are plain fascinating to look at.
27 Facts About Dr. Dre You Didn't Know
- Learn some new facts about this music mogul!
27 Epic Internet Images
- Creepy, funny, crazy, pictures of epic proportions.
26 Things You Don't See Everyday
- If you do see these things daily, you live a very...
31 Perfect Pics For The Weekend
- Here is the best of what the internet has to offer.
24 Fascinating Photos of Amazing People Throughout...
- Photographs that capture the essence of days passed.
Harvard Researchers Discover Something Very Creepy...
- You can't always judge a book by its cover... Or can...
27 Pics To Get You Ready For The Weekend!
- A fresh portion of funny, WTF and random!
This Man Literally Gave His Ex-Wife Half Of Everything...
- A divorce court ruled that he had to give his ex-wife...
25 Female Bodybuilders You Don't Want To F**K With
- If you start trouble with any of these ladies, you're...
18 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius
- Simple concepts that created some awesome things!
Black Man Gets Pulled Over by Caucasian Police Officer
- A young black male shares his thoughts after being...
14 Extremely Tall Ladies
- Are these tall women too much for you?
15 Uses For Vodka, Besides Getting Drunk
- Vodka can help you from everything from a toothache to...
16 People That Will Make You Cringe
- Cringeworthy people on the internet doing cringeworthy...
24 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fun Facts
- Radical facts about the turtles that might surprise...
18 Revelations That Will Blow Your Mind
- Your brains are about to explode out of your skull.
25 Random Pics That Rule
- A fresh batch of funny, random, and WTF pictures!
14 Things You Didn’t Know About The Male...
- Most guys don’t know all they should about their...
18 Times Guys Got Friendzoned Forever
- They won't escape...very few do.
Kid's Drawings That Only Adults Appreciate
- Dirty minds see dirty things in Innocent art work made...
25 Childhood Toys Worth A Fortune Now
- Should have left them in the box!
20 Sexual Undertones That Went WAY Over Guys' Heads
- These people missed the underlying meaning, and the...
16 Devious Hacks For Cheating at Life
- Forget the rules. They were made to keep suckers in...
24 People Who Have Lost Their Damn Mind
- They take offense to everything!
11 Disgusting Things Found In Fast Food
- You might want to double check that fast food next...
10 Stats About Pot And Porn
- Deep insights based on research conducted in the labs...
12 Most Unfortunate Names In Sports
- It's difficult to tell whether their parents were...
35 Companies Trying Too Hard To Be Hip
- Businesses desperately trying to reach the youngsters.
24 Old People Facebook Fails
- You need to applaud them for trying though.
20 Random Facts To Feed Your Brain
- Random bits of information to satisfy your curiosity.
13 Struggles Of Being A Man
- There’s stuff about being a guy that women just...
31 Pictures Taken At The Perfect Moment
- As with a lot of things in life, timing is everything!
Crazy Girl Won't Take No For An Answer
- This guy isn't interested in cheating on his...
17 Mind-Blowing Pics of Once New Cars Just Sitting Idle
- What do they do with the cars they don't sell? A whole...
22 Randomly Awesome Pics
- The internet just keeps pumping out the goods.
9 Amazing Tribes That Are Nearly Extinct
- Stunning portraits of the most remote tribes on Earth.
20 Fascinating Facts You Probably Didn't Know
- A portion of knowledge that will make you go "wow."
17 Interesting Chemical Reactions
- No wonder people believed in magic before we knew it...
eBaum's Picks