31 Kickass Pics For The Weekend
- Kick off your weekend in style. Cheers!
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Embarrassing Deaths of Historical Figures
- Sometimes death is unpredictable.
21 Hilarious Times Tumblr Got Deep
- Things to think over...
People on Tinder Who Will Make You Go WTF
- Strange, awkward, and hilarious people on Tinder who...
Man Left His Golden AK-47 In A Taxi
- A man in St.Petersburg Russia left a little something...
22 Horrific Parenting Fails
- Photos capturing bad decisions made by parents.
22 Cakes That Are Truly WTF
- It seems like there is a cake for just about ANY...
15 American Celebrities You Never Knew Were In The...
- Your favorite celebrities-in-uniform, including their...
Photos Of Places Where Countries Border
- The landscape between countries can change very...
25 Awesome Facts To Make You Feel Smart
- Trick your friends into thinking you're smart!
36 Facts and Photos of Science and Nature
- Behold the awesomeness of world around you!
25 Pictures That Require a Double Take
- WTF is going on?!?! Oh.....
24 Pics To Improve Your Mood
- Funny, weird, and WTF pics to make your day more...
15 Pound Snickers Bar Recipe
- After eating the first few pounds, it gets a bit much.
23 People Being Clever To The Extreme
- Images that will make you nod your head in approval.
34 Pictures To Get You Through The Night
- Randomness Is Awesomeness!
22 Things You Didn’t Know About the Terminator Films
- Cool facts from one of the greatest movie series of...
Fascinating Facts You Probably Didn't Know
- 21 things you can Impress your friends with.
13 Psychology Facts
- The mind is a strange place. Let's explore some of its...
Waitress Uses Clever Napkin Folding to Take Revenge on...
- This is the most impressive way to fold a napkin.
14 Awesome Ways To Open A Beer
- You should try all these! But be careful!
Girl Live Tweets a Super Awkward First Date
- Ever been on a super awkward first date?
Tesla Predicted Smartphones In 1926
- People called Nikola Tesla a futurist, but maybe...
28 People on Tinder Who Will Make You Go WHOA!
- Strange, awkward, creepy and hilarious people on...
32 Fun Sex Facts
- Interesting sex facts that may surprise you.
22 Secrets From Company Insiders
- These tips could save you time and money!
A Random Act Of Kindness From A Stranger To A Waitress
- A customer left this note and tip for his waitress.
Mysterious Old Box Contains Something Unsettling
- An old box found in a dumpster contains some...
The 6 Most WTF Old-Timey Porn Trends
- Apparently Grandpa was curious to see if it was...
20 Cringe-worthy Posts From Social Media
- These people probably shouldn't use the internet.
10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
- Famous conspiracies years later revealed to have...
Prepare To Be Offended
- 21 pictures that you have to laugh at.
Possibly The Best Yard Sale Find Ever
- Now that is what I call scoring big time!
22 Things That Will Make You Feel Old
- Fasten your seat belts and get ready for a ride down...
23 Awesome Facts Courtesy Of Science
- Interesting info about space, humans, animals, and...
22 Crazy Images You Just Can't Unsee
- Photos that once seen can never be unseen.
24 Dangerous Toys From Past and Present
- Safety standards for toys were considerably lower a...
25 Ironic Deaths You Won't Believe Actually Happened
- Crazy and ironic ways people have actually died.
30 Pics That Show How Hard It Is to Escape the...
- Once you're in the zone, it's nearly impossible to get...
27 Cool Gadgets And Unique Inventions
- Cool stuff that you may not have known existed.
eBaum's Picks