Tax Professional Suspended for Company's Own Mix-Up...
- If you're going to suspend an employee, it's best to...
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22 Clear Warning Signs People Don't Pay Attention To
- We have a lot of problems, but some deserve even more...
Boss Has His Workers Fight Over a Piñata Filled With...
- If you want to give your employees a bonus, then give...
Boss Tells Employee to 'Work Slower and Look Busy,' So...
- If you're a boss, a key element of your job usually...
32 Great Things Happening in the World That Nobody...
- All we ever hear about in the news these days is...
Boss Throws Out Employee's Custom Chair For Not Being...
- If you're going to grill an employee for their custom...
Middle Manager Forces IT Person to Fix His Problem,...
- If you're going to force an employee to prioritize...
28 Guys Who Know What They're Talking About
- Discerning "real" experts on the internet from fake...
24 People Share How They Knew They Were Being Cheated...
- There are few feelings worse than getting cheated on....
Incompetent Senior Employee Tells Coworker Not to...
- When one woman told her coworker to stay out of her...
Aggressive Boss Forces Employee to Take Notes of...
- Be careful what you wish for, because you might get...
Management Refuses to Pay for Repairs On Employee’s...
- When a company demands an employee use his personal...
Cheap Boss Refuses to Fork Out PTO, Ends Up Paying...
- After putting in his notice, this employee realized he...
Unhinged Karen Forces Panera Worker to Write Down Her...
- When the Panera employee u/akiraeijisun was forced to...
Senior Employee Gets Fired For Being Too Good at His...
- When you hire your son-in-law and his egotistical...
Office Karen Tries to Pretend Co-Worker is Her...
- If you're going to pretend to be a higher ranking...
28 Wholesome Posts From the Good Side of Reddit
- So if you're looking for a fun post to help you boost...
22 Terrible Cooks Who Need to Be Permanently Banned...
- Life’s been hard and we're in a recession (or a...
18 r/Money Flexers Who Desperately Need a High Yield...
- Flexing is an art that dates well before the internet.
Entitled Boss Mocks Employee for Taking First Off Day...
- When your place of work has a 92% turnover rate, that...
Employee Gets Back at Idea-Stealing Boss By Taking...
- When a bad boss is mean to an employee, they don't...
Passive Aggressive Manager Tries to Bully Employee...
- It helps to know your employee's pay structure before...
Employees Comply With Boss's New Awful System and...
- If a department is one of the most productive in the...
Company Bullies the One Man Responsible for All Their...
- When one man controls your entire company's contact...
Gatorade, Honey, and Horrifying Blue Maple Syrup: All...
- It is my pleasure to inform you that there is a...
'My Entire Department Quit the Same Week': HR Refuses...
- When one employee has a skill that is irreplaceable,...
23 Fascinating Photos That Show The Insides of Various...
- Ever wonder what the inside of an elephant's foot...
New Boss Denies Employee Promised Salary, Employee...
- Don't mess with the social media manager if you want...
Boss Forces Skilled Employee to Work Overtime, So...
- If you have an employee who can do their job without...
25 Fresh Graphs That Prove Data is Beautiful
- Sometimes it's hard to conceptualize what a bunch of...
'I Asked For That In Writing': Boss Gets Fired After...
- "I don't want you doing work outside of your...
'I Really Have to Shake Everyone's Hand?': Boss Forces...
- If you make your sick employee show up, just be aware...
18 Times r/NoStupidQuestions Proved Itself Wrong
- Well most of them aren't actually stupid, but these...
11 of the Worst Bad Boss Stories of the Week
- Another work week is done, and like every work week...
Laid Off Software Developer Takes Code With Him, and...
- Bosses need to learn to stop messing with their...
Secretary Fired for Following the Rules, But Company...
- "You are fired for obeying my rules, please stay until...
12 Bad Boss Horror Stories in Honor of National 'Boss'...
- Oh, you think your boss stinks? It could be way, way...
Loyal Employee Gets Asked to Choose Between Pay Cut or...
- This 14-year sales veteran knew what he was doing when...
Beginner's Luck and the Curse of 'It's Slow Tonight":...
- When you think of superstitions mostly old wife's...
Burger Flipper Gets Written Up For Saving a Customer's...
- "The GM told me I should have waited until she...
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