26 People Who Think They're Real Clever
- Dumb jokes you might find funny.
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43 Liars Totally Full of It
- Attention seekers looking for some fake brownie points...
17 People Who Ruined Their Job Interviews
- Multiple job interviews that go straight down the...
Woman Creeped Out by Ex-Boyfriend's Video Game...
- TFW you turn on a video game and maybe see yourself.
31 People Who Need Your Help
- Proof that some people are beyond saving. These people...
25 People Having a Worse Day Than You
- So you're having a bad day? Well you know what they...
23 Entitled People Who Need to Take It Down Several...
- These people are THE worst.
28 Internet Wins and Fails to Amuse Bored Minds
- They really nailed it.
21 Hideous Car Designs That Russians Apparently Love
- As dumb as these cars look, I still want to buy one.
30 Dumb Jokes and Posts For Smart People
- These went right over their heads.
15 Embarrassing Translation Fails in Video Games
- "All your data are belong to us." - Facebook
17 Entitled People Who Need to Be Knocked Down a Peg
- Nothing is ever good enough.
41 Halloween Costumes Made of Regrets
- Don't make these mistakes if you're costuming this...
20 Simple and Dumb Jokes That Still Went Over People's...
- Another round of dumb jokes and the clever people who...
'Cyberpunk 2077' Delayed until December 10th, Fans...
- Keanu let us all down again. For shame...
30 Parents Messing up Their Kids for Life
- Some parents maybe went too far.
33 Classic Randoms to Make Time Move Faster
- Enjoy a fresh batch of cool, funny, and wtf pics to...
25 Airheads Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- The only thing worse than being the butt of a joke, is...
25 People Entitled Beyond Belief
- They live in a world that is all about themselves....
Video Game Developer Regrets Saying He Deserves...
- When you have an opinion that literally no one else...
'Minecraft' Steve Hangs Dong in 'Super Smash' but...
- R.I.P. (Rest In Pixels) to Steve's steak.
16 Unfortunate People with Their Video Game...
- Which video game character would you want to look like?
30 Hilariously Bad Sign Fails Someone SHould Have...
- These aren't the signs you're looking for.
AOC Playing 'Among Us' on Twitch Brings Out the Worst...
- Is the congresswoman from New York acting sus?
15 Dumb Jokes For Funny People
- They clearly missed the joke.
10 Biggest Video Game Microtransaction Rip-Offs
- You're better off lighting your money on fire than...
Uptight Dad Gets Roasted by Real Marines for Telling...
- That's gotta hurt.
47 Unexpected Times Life Decided to Suck
- Life is hard enough as it is, but it can be even worse...
17 Guests Who Had Horrible Behavior
- If you do any of these things, don't come to my house.
25 Design Fails Caused by Bad Font Spacing
- Not all fonts are spaced perfectly, and sometimes they...
29 People Who Got Answers the Question 'What Happens...
- Quick answers to life's everyday curiosities.
10 Video Game Remasters So Bad They're Crimes
- These developers couldn't even hit Copy + Paste...
21 Super Entitled People Being the Choosiest of Beggars
- These people want more and more, nothing is ever good...
25 Times Life Escalated Quickly
- Pictures we can laugh at because we're not the ones in...
10 Most Important Glitches in Video Game History
- Mistakes just as amazing as the games they were in.
18 Requests Fulfilled Correctly but Annoyingly
- Maybe they're overthinking things.
23 Silly Jokes That Went Over Dumb People's Heads
- Another collection of dumb jokes and even dumber...
Apple Tries Appealing to Gamers with 'League of...
- Apple should go back to making apples instead of...
Self-Righteous Facebookers Attack Woman for Disowning...
- The case infuriated people and no one could stay...
25 Super Entitled People Living in Their Own Reality
- The world has no shortage of entitled people or as we...
eBaum's Picks