Karen Tries to Get 'Waiter' Arrested for Assault, Gets...
- Clearly, Karen never counted on cameras recording...
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This Mansion Has a Tiny Town Located in the Basement
- Don’t let this $4.5M unique mansion deceive...
Woman's Husband Defends Her From Rude Karen as Only a...
- I swear I think Karens of the world just believe...
23 Girls Share Their Biggest Glow Ups
- Ducklings who turned into swans.
A Big Batch of Fun Filled Pics to Slaughter Your...
- Another week is almost in the books. As the country...
19 Pics to Welcome You into Grillin' Season
- Are you a pit boss or a grill guru?
'VSBRO' Is The New Social Media App Made Just For Bros
- A new iOS app made just for dudes to do guy things and...
Dude Makes Half the Class Fail After They Copy His...
- I totally get where this dude is coming from.
Fashion Student Brilliantly Exposes Cheater Who Stole...
- There are few things more disheartening than seeing...
53 Epic Pics to Entertain and Amuse You
- Has the repetitiveness of staying at home all the time...
40+ Facts That Could Save Your Life Someday
- This is the kind of knowledge that you hope to never...
USAF Sergeant Gets Brilliant Revenge on Senior Officer
- This dude's senior officer was a real jerk, which...
45 Things That Are Pretty Darn Neat
- Just when you think you've seen everything...
"ClickHole" Greatest Hits to Celebrate Their Return...
- The internet's hole is waiting for your clicks.
49 Perfect Dungeons and Dragons Memes That Will...
- Nothing better to spice up the day than some...
Nurse Tries to Cheer up Patients in Her Underwear and...
- This is why we can't have nice things.
12 Great Tips To Keep In Your Back Pocket
- Hacks to make your life easier.
AT&T Don't Realize They're Screwing a City Councilman,...
- Serves them right.
Rude Young Karen and Her Minions Get a Costly Lesson...
- I have a feeling it'll be a while before they try a...
Landlord Attempts Wrongful Eviction, Gets Rekt Herself
- It just goes to show how important knowing your rights...
Landlord Refuses to Acknowledge Mold Problem, So...
- That's what you get for completely ignoring your...
Thirsty Online Creep Gets a Little More Than He...
- Whenever a creeper gets trolled, they say an angel...
Guy Destroys New Tax Regulations by Following Them to...
- He used the rules to destroy the rules.
The Tale of Karen and Kevin, Who Ruined Their Lives...
- Some people just don't learn.
Idiot Boss Gets Owned by Employee's Malicious...
- "Malicious compliance" is one of my favorite ways to...
22 "F*** It" Moments From Some of History's Biggest...
- When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Employee Trolls Scammer Pretending to be his CEO
- He took the swindler on a wild ride.
21 Random Memes Ready For Consumption
- Random images from the world wide web....
Dude Framed by Former Bosses Completely Blows Their...
- While he never actually submitted anything himself,...
Falsely Accused Employee Gets Bosses Shut Down and...
- Some people think they can just go on doing wrong and...
Guy Gets Revenge on Theiving Roommates by...
- That is straight cold-blooded.
15 People Who Solved Their Problems Like a Boss
- These ideas are so bad they're actually genius.
Enjoy a Batch of 32 Cool Pics to Help Pass the Time
- The weekend is almost here, and for most of us it's...
Tenant Sues Nightmare Landlord Over Deposit, Wins...
- I'd say he got what he deserved.
32 Wholesome Pics to Give You a Break
- Stuff to restore your faith in humanity, 100%...
35 Unique and Interesting things You Just Don't See...
- Planet Earth is a fascinating place filled with all...
Nicolas Cage Is Perfectly Cast as Joe Exotic on New...
- Nicolas Cage may be more of a Tiger King than the real...
Red Flags To Know Before Looking For a Job
- When you meet with a potential employer, you should be...
40 Quick Pics to Make Your Boredom More Bearable
- Sit back, relax, and enjoy a batch 'o randoms!
22 Before and After Pics of People Who Quit Drugs
- These people decided to turn their lives around and...
eBaum's Picks