20 Life Hacks For The Cheap And Lazy
- You are NOT too good for these cheap life hacks.
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22 Pictures With Perfect Timing
- Sometimes it's skill, sometimes it's luck.
20 Random Facts To Feed Your Brain
- Bits of random information to satisfy your curiosity.
Graffiti Artist Trolls City Worker
- This guy has some fun with a "lazy" city worker.
Genius Troll Owns Spammer
- A brilliant way to teach a spammer a lesson.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Owns a Homophobe
- A fan didn't like Arnie's new profile pic on Facebook...
10 Guys Who Did Crazy Things to Get Laid
- That feeling when you go through the rain and the snow...
41 Pictures That Are Hard To Argue With
- You could argue, but you would be wrong.
31 Things That Are Awesome
- Cool stuff and random things that are just plain...
Funny Tweets By 'Ya Boy Bill Nye'
- He is without a doubt one of Twitter's most brilliant...
14 Tinderers Who've Mastered The Art of Right Swipes
- If you don't swipe right for these Tinder users, who...
10 Cool Gadgets You Need For Your Bike
- Welcome to the 21st century of biking!
14 Things You Want But Won't Admit
- Stuff that makes you tell them "shut up and take your...
15 Uses For Vodka, Besides Getting Drunk
- Vodka can help you from everything from a toothache to...
24 People Who Stand Out on Social Media
- Social media is not a diary, but you need to vent...
'Jim'll Paint It' Is The Best New Service On The...
- Jim takes request via Facebook to paint anything, and...
9 Gadgets You Didn't Know You Wanted
- The things you haven't even dreamed about, can now be...
31 Pictures Taken At The Perfect Moment
- As with a lot of things in life, timing is everything!
8 Successful People Who Are Laughing At Their...
- Extremely successful celebs who suffered through...
15 Awesome Facts About Star Wars
- Interesting facts and neat behind-the-scenes info...
8 Crazy But True Celebrity Stories
- Unbelievable but verified stories!
32 Pics to Improve Your Day
- Kick back and enjoy some hilariousness, randomness,...
38 Cool Pics For A Fun Night
- Pictures that will make your night better.
28 Random Pics That Are Awesome!
- You can't spell "procrastinate" without some of the...
24 Ways To Tell If Someone Is Lying
- Don't be fooled. Study the tip-offs.
15 Weird Scholarships You Can Actually Get
- Heading to college with a bizarre set of interests and...
20 Random Facts to Feed Your Brain
- Bits of random information to satisfy your curiosity.
28 Random Photogasiums
- Monday evening random eye candy.
2 Killers Escape a Maximum Security Prison in Upstate...
- Two convicted murderers pulled off a "Shawshank...
Girl Exposes Cheating Boyfriend on Facebook, But He...
- She calls him out and his response is epic.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week with a fresh batch of randomness!
14 Tips on How to Sell Old Games Fast
- Tired of your old video games and want to sell them...
People Killing It With Their Senior Portraits
- High school seniors with a great sense of humor.
21 Jennifer Lawrence Wins
- A collection of pics and gifs proving how awesome JLaw...
WWE Wrestlers and Their 90s Counterparts
- 14 Wrestlers with a persona that is not entirely...
26 Old People Who Never Stopped Being Awesome
- Elderly badasses who never let society tell them what...
36 Things That Blur The Line Between Want And Need
- Shut up and take my money!
'Freezer Friday' Art By Charlie Layton
- Every Friday Charlie draws a new masterpiece on his...
23 Heartwarming Random Acts of Kindness
- It's nice to know there are so many good people in...
30 People Who Transformed Themselves
- Some motivation to shed those extra pounds.
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