20 People Share the Reasons Why They Were Fired
It sucks to get fired, you have to clean out your desk and search for a new job, it's no fun and nobody wants it to happen. We went to r/AskReddit and found some of the saddest times people were fired. Hopefully, they got new jobs that were better for them.
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A business I went to long ago was hiring and I got the job. Right after I signed all the paperwork, the department manager comes in and asks who I am. I tell him I was just hired as a temp. Manger says he never authorized any hiring and fired both me and my boss on the spot. I did not work for this company at all and they fired me. :( -
Was on the edge of a serious burnout and had a sick leave for two weeks. The day I returned, I got fired. This all after I had pretty much given my all for 1,5 years working 10-14 hours every single day, working from home and not having a private life at all. That’s how I learned that you should never give too much at a job. It’s just a job and they won’t thank you for anything at the end of the day…u/Kuddel0205 -
I was denied a raise by HR after consistently working 60-70 hours weeks, and my VP (who had supported and requested the raise for me) told me to stop putting in the extra time, work my 40, and spend that extra time applying to new jobs. Within a month, a meeting was called to "mutually part ways" because my work wasn't getting done. I was gratified to learn that they had to hire two people to do my job after I left. u/sconyne15 -
I went to the Emergency room instead of work. Came back with an ER note and they said “We won’t be needing that. Can you come with us?” I was 18 and it was my first full time job. u/iridescentmoon_ -
For doing my job too quickly and sitting down the rest of the time. Gas station cashier 3rd shift. Me: “Why should I stand when I’m the only person in the store?” Manager: “It’s more professional to stand than sit” Me: “then why do you sit in your office?” u/CelebrationBrief4184 -
Because my job "was eliminated". This was code for "getting rid if you and hiring someone to replace you at half the salary." Their scheme was less than a stellar success because: The person they hired was an idiot and could not do it, the customers got severely pissed, they gave me $15K severance if I promised not to sue them, I took their money and still sued them for age discrimination, and won. u/milanroman1 -
Came down with bronchitis on a Sunday. The doctor provided a doctor's note and told me to return the following Monday. They terminated me Friday. u/ludakpop -
I was an entitled little shit with a summer job between my junior and senior years in college. I thought I was getting a “data entry” job. It was indeed data entry to an extent, but most of the work was actually taking items off the shelves in a warehouse and taking pictures of them. (These pictures would be scanned and then entered into a system with a description.) I thought this was below somebody with my “obvious” skills as an engineering student (who had failed to secure a summer internship in his field). I told my boss that the work was really a two person job — the other person could do the warehouse stuff — and she agreed and said she’d look into finding another intern to help. I took that to mean I could slack off posting on Warcraft 3 forums all day until they hired the other guy. One day I came home to a voice mail telling me to not bother coming back. I 100% deserved it. I hate my younger self sometimes… u/DemocrrrracyManifest -
The only other time I've gotten fired was working for a trade company, during the first week. I was a supervisor, and there was a second supervisor on site. I got a call that my wife had been rushed to the hospital, which was literally less than a mile away. I asked the other supervisor if I could go to attend to her, and he said "sure, no problem, I've got things here. Go." I returned to the job site later to find the boss there, and he let me go on the spot for leaving the team "without a supervisor". He knew what had happened, and still fired me. I won't lie, that one kind of pissed me off. u/angel_and_devil_va -
I talked my way into a job at a software company when they put a hiring notice in a local paper. I had no idea what the software did. I still don't. They hired me as a trainer and no one ever explained what the product was. I did a few weeks where I was trained on the software but literally none of it ever made sense to me. It was like they were speaking gibberish. One day I showed up, a lady I had never seen before gave me a check, and walked me out to the parking lot. No one even ever said "you're fired" or anything. It's one of the strangest things that ever happened to me. u/HiddenHolding -
I refused to come in 15-20 mins early unpaid for my shift. I was always 5-10 min early but they decided they wanted me there earlier. I carried on as normal as I’m not coming in if I’m not being paid. Turned up for a 12pm shift at 11:49, no one would look at me when I arrived then was thrown in a meeting and fired for being “late”. Was out the door before it even hit 12. It was the only time I’ve ever been fired. u/TheSuperAlly -
For getting lunch. I was 18, working at a mall kiosk with a "manager" title even though I managed nothing for something like $8/hour. Hours painted on the door, 0 support or other employees to relieve for a break. The owner showed up while I had locked up to go get a bite to eat. Fired on the spot. u/Jasayoh -
They sent me home because I sneezed and I was forced to get tested for Covid. Then when I tested negative, I was terminated for “Abusing pandemic policies to stay home” u/OK_Ant1809 -
Stealing narcotics. I was a nurse. 6 years clean now. Lost my nursing license though. It was a difficult lesson to learn but it may have saved my life. u/eternalrefuge86 -
Told my boss I was doing too much work for not enough pay that's why nobody stays u/Admiralpizza101 -
I couldn’t help myself from taking the piss out of the creative director for dressing like a pirate. Which to be fair, he fucking did. u/Rico_TLM -
Worked in a DIY store, 10 minutes before my shift ended I moved a pallet cage of paint cans (slowly) to the warehouse and when I got in there one of the sides came off along with half of the paint cans which spilt all over, anyway there was about 2 minutes of my shift left, so I moved the pallet over the paint, covering it a bit and went home. It was all caught on CCTV u/SufficientWin8945 -
Because my job is moving to Lisbon and I am not. u/TenNinetythree -
His wife thought he was having an affair with the office manager. He asked me if I thought it was possible that he was having an affair with the office manager. I said, “It’s possible, but I don’t think you are. I could see why your wife might think so too.” I was 21 and naïve as hell. Never should have said anything. u/OutbackAussieGirl -
I was jobless for 3 years. Did lots of online work during that time. Finally got a job. Forgot I got a job. Got a letter from my employer informing me that I got fired after a week. u/thankamani