NastyCobra's Dumping Grounds
- The weekend is here, so sit back and relax with some...
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Idiot Boat Captain Hits Several Boats
- He drives like he's playing Grand Theft Auto. Maybe he...
Frat Bro's Pregame Speech
- There's nothing like 46 F-bombs to really get you...
A Fish's Lucky Day
- Fisherman spares a fish's life, twice in 5 minutes....
8 Yr Old Rides Tricycle On Highway
- A boy was seen riding down a busy highway in Brazil on...
No, That Won't Come Off
- A collection of people with terrible tattoos!
Fireman With A GoPro Saves A Kitten
- Cory Kalanick rescues an unconscious kitten from a...
Internet Classic: Whopper And A Forty
- I got $5.45, time for a whopper and a 40. A day in...
Vintage Kangaroo Boxing Footage
- This would be illegal now but it seemed like a huge...
NastyCobra's Dumping Grounds
- Enjoy this new edition of weird, funny, and wtf pics!
Disneyland Surprise
- Lily is overjoyed with news of her 2nd surprise trip...
The Facepalm Collection
- Back with some more embarrassing situations and wtf...
Ferrets Playing In Packing Peanuts
- These two little guys have a blast wrestling in a box.
Anastasia Ashley's Warm-Up Dance
- Another sports star's unconventional but sexy warm up!
This Video May Freak You Out...
- Are you Trypophobic? Don't worry Doctors say it's not...
24 Things You Missed in The Ghetto
- A collection of funny images from weird to "Ghetto...
Homeless Man's Breaking Bad Impressions
- Wait... where does this guy even watch Breaking Bad?
The World's Fastest Dwarf
- The story of a man half your height, but with three...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
Employee Eats A LIVE Goldfish Prank
- Customers can't believe it as an employee casually...
Kate Upton Owns Jimmy Fallon
- Apparently Kate Upton is a flip cup pro!
Interesting And Odd Hair Styles
- There's a difference between being creative and...
Happy Birthday, Bill Murray!
- One of the most awesome actors in Hollywood history...
Suspect Dives Out Of A Moving Cop Car
- A man makes a daring escape, only to be immediately...
Baby Misses Dad's Beard
- A 1-Year-Old cries when dad shaves his awesome winter...
NastyCobra's Dumping Grounds
- Enjoy these funny and WTF pictures!
Awkward Family Photos: Weird Pet Photos
- If you thought the people were strange, check out...
People That Party Hard
- Get ready for the weekend with a gallery of people...
Don't Mess With This Five Year Old Girl
- Or her German Shepherd will mess you up!
Meanwhile In Canada
- Enjoy some shenanigans from America's neighbour to the...
Citizens Arrest Purse Snatcher
- Some bystanders come to an elderly woman's rescue and...
Coincidences That Really Happened
- Wait, did that really happen?
Strange Nightclub Visitors
- Weird and crazy people from nightclubs around the...
MEN IN BLACK: Operation Homecoming
- A true story as told by soldier Colby Buzzell about...
Celebs And Their Pornstar Look-Alikes
- Celebrities that look like pornstars, or pornstars...
Priest Ruins Couple's Wedding
- A priest reminds them, this isn't about photography,...
So Much Joy
- A collection of happy moments to start your day off...
Fighter Gets Owned Twice
- An MMA fighter is hit with a hard hook after being...
96 Year Old Shows Up Young Poker Player
- Old poker player hustles younger guy trying to push...
Hot Or Homeless?
- Girls just love dudes who don't try so hard...
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