Conan: More Scripted Main Stream Media
- A funny yet somewhat scary segment about scripted...
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News Anchor Had A Long Day
- He is just saying what we are all thinking...
Jon Stewart Takes On Megyn Kelly And Fox
- Megyn Kelly and Fox were freaking out over Santa's...
Real Sign Language Interpreter On Kimmel
- Jimmy Kimmel has an interpreter interpret the fake...
Drunk Driving Teen Kills 4, Too Rich For Jail
- He got probation due to being "too rich to understand...
Reporter's Last Name Is Lesbian?
- Either she can't pronounce her own name or this was a...
Black Men Arrested For Traveling?
- These two black guys say they were arrested for being...
Ron Burgundy Anchors An Actual Newscast
- He's actually a better anchor than she is.
Reporter Faceplants During Live Broadcast
- She was on the scene this morning to test it out the...
Kitty Wants Some Air Time
- A curious cat steals the show from a CBC news crew.
Body Cam Captures Funny Reaction
- The look on the suspect's face is priceless! This was...
The Crazy News
- 24 Funny, odd and crazy things in the news and...
State Cop Shoots At Minivan Full Of Kids
- Officers are under investigation after a traffic stop...
News Reporter Gets Frisky
- This reporter propositions an interviewee on camera...
San Francisco Rescued By "Batkid"
- San Francisco turns into Gotham City to fulfill a 5...
Reporter Drops F-Bomb During Live Feed
- Detroit's Lauren Podell struggles with a plug, and...
NJ Teens Create A "Game" Called Knockout
- A horrifying "game" that left one homeless man dead...
Lights In Sky "Probably" Meteor Shower
- Part of the long lasting meteor stream known as the...
Rob Ford Smoking Crack - REMIX
- The Mayor of Toronto admits to smoking crack, in song.
Politician Slapped During Live TV Interview
- A public parking dispute in downtown Rio de Janeiro...
LAX Shooting Dummy Victim?
- A mannequin in a wheelchair, or a legitimate victim?
Hero Bus Driver Saves A life
- A bus driver talks a suicidal woman down from the...
Family Opens Casket And Finds Wrong Body
- The mix up resulted in their relative accidentally...
Crazy Woman Attacks News Crew
- An attempted interview goes wrong. Does this lady...
A Football Team's Life Changing Play
- The compassion and acceptance these kids show is truly...
Cop Fired After Shooting Squirrel
- The real crime here is that someone called 911 over a...
Faceplant During Live News Broadcast
- A news staffer faceplants in the background to start...
Man On Drugs Crashes Truck Then Flees
- An extremely "under the influence" driver wreaks havoc...
Teen Punished For Helping A Drunk Friend
- She was demoted on the volleyball team and suspended...
Malala Yousafzai Leaves Jon Stewart Speechless
- The Taliban previously tried to kill, but she's not...
CNN Geography Graphic Fail
- Apparently CNN believes Hong Kong is in South America.
Is This A Case OfvPolice Brutality?
- Cassandra Feuerstein suffers broken bones in her face...
Reporter Accidently Eats Cat Vomit
- He thought it was grapenuts...he was dead wrong.
WayBack WHENsday: Vegansexuals
- Classic: This news anchor loses it when he hears about...
Reporter Gets Peed On
- This dog knows what it wants.
911 Operator Laughs at Girlfriend On Fire
- His car and girlfriend on fire, he calls 911, and is...
Fireworks Warehouse Explosion In Colombia
- A fireworks factory in Tenjo Colombia erupts into...
8 Yr Old Rides Tricycle On Highway
- A boy was seen riding down a busy highway in Brazil on...
Kid Suspended For Playing With Toy Gun
- Not at school, not at the bus stop, in his own front...
Shoe Found with Severed Foot Inside
- A surfer at Ocean Beach in San Francisco found a shoe...
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