Finnish Passport Security Feature
- Authorities need only to flip through the passport to...
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For The Child-Free People Out There
- Some say that having no kids can be a good thing...
20 Very Niche Dating Sites
- Some of the most outlandish dating sites ever!
Quadcopter Hits Groom in the Head
- A funny accident, or was this on purpose? You be the...
Crazy Road Rage Between Car And Biker
- Meanwhile in Russia... tempers flare, cars get kicked,...
Homeless James Bond
- Classic: Check out James Bond in his most difficult...
Granny At Wedding Had ONE Job...
- She got confused and threw the wrong thing at the...
Taekwondo Demostration Gone Wrong
- No boards were hurt in this demonstration...
Redneck Rocket Tooth Pull
- Dad uses a model rocket to pull his son's loose tooth.
Mad B*tches
- This party is gonna be rockin' trust me. Mad b*ches...
Crazy Rhubarb Lady Has No Shame
- A lady gets caught stealing rhubarb and goes nuts!
PSA: How To Pee In The Pool
- Summer is upon us, don't get caught relieving yourself...
Hillbilly Dances with A Raccoon
- Country boy does the Hillbilly Slide with possibly the...
Runner Clotheslined At Tough Mudder
- He suffers a brutal clothesline when he gets tangled...
Scat / Rap Counterpoint
- Possibly the worst thing you'll ever see...
Girl Runner Faceplants Before Finish Line
- What's more embarrassing, not finishing the race or...
Enter Sandman - Smooth Jazz Version
- Metallica aims to capture some new fans with this...
27 Of The Best Glamour Shots Ever
- A collection of professional portraiture.
36 Times When Not A Single F*** Was Given...
- Some people just don't care...
Classic Infomercial Gifs
- A collection of those hilariously bad, over acted,...
Awesome But Useless Facts
- Here are some facts you probably have no use for!
Wife's Ridiculous Temper Tantrum
- A woman throws a massive hissy-fit over cigarettes and...
eBaum's Picks