22 Infuriating Facepalms of Foolishness
- How can people be this clueless?
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25 People On LinkedIn Out of Touch With the Real World
- The real business gurus aren't spending all day...
21 Charts to Help the Most Clueless of Gentlemen
- Let's put all of our cards on the table, I have no...
Mom ‘Hoarding’ CDs Puts Ignorant Daughter in Her...
- I'm with the boomers on this one. Love to see it.
40 Memes That Only Tell the Truth
- These memes tell the facts of life as they are.
Jim Cramer Apologizes to Investors after Saying Meta...
- After claiming that Meta "has nowhere else to go but...
20 Tweets Proving Celebs Deserve to Be Dunked On
- We've collected another batch of tweets that are...
Women of TikTok Are Shocked to Learn Their Boyfriends...
- Where do we stand on this important issue? Deep clean...
Guy Thought LGBT Stood For Something Hilariously...
- I think we can agree it stands for both.
20 Savage Tweets for Scorching Celebs
- Another batch of tweets dunking on the celebs who...
Yankees' Fans vs Ted Cruz Is Shit Talking at its Finest
- Ever wonder how New Yorkers feel about Ted Cruz? Look...
21 Trashy Pics That Belong in the Dump
- These should be taken out to the trash heap.
18 Funny Things People Believed as Children
- What did you believe to be true?
Toilet Seat Up or Down? This Dude May Have Just Solved...
- Youtuber Leon Lush may have cracked the code when it...
20 Tweets That Absolutely Scorch Celebs
- It's about that time of the week where we enjoy the...
23 Crazies From the Realm of Facebook
- The place with more loonies than anywhere else!
20 Savage Tweets for Demented Souls
- More tweets from the dumpsters out back.
Glenn Howerton's Hilarious Tesla Story Captures How...
- This funny story from 'The Always Sunny Podcast' nails...
24 Cringey Pics That Make You Squirm
- Pics that might make your skin crawl.
James Corden Can't Even Name Two of His Camera Men
- Everything makes him look like a complete jerk-wad.
Crazy Neighbor Demands Man Pays Medical Bills After...
- The new owners frequently asked the children not to...
20 Tweets That Don’t Care What You Think
- We're bringing you another round of savage and salty...
22 Savage Tweets to Kickstart Another Week on Planet...
- Like sands through the hourglass, so are the tweets of...
19 Cringy Pics That Made Our Skin Crawl
- Pictures of the crazy and questionable.
20 Small Town Scandals Dividing Main Streets Everywhere
- There truly is nothing like small town drama. Everyone...
Drone Captures the Moment it Gets Speared at a...
- While flying over the crowd, this drone became the...
20 Most Savage Tweets of the Week
- We've finally made it through the work week, and it's...
24 Examples of World Class Facepalm
- Funny facepalms and fails to finish your week.
Husband Really Appreciates His Wife's Coworker Crush
- Couple gets $400 wine gift from wife’s work friend...
25 Tweets That Are Both Salty and Savage
- Funny tweets for making it through another work day....
'I don't go out with broke boys': Entitled Woman...
- A first date at Applebee's did not go swimmingly after...
24 Clever Comments That Clapped Back Hard
- Replies that people weren't ready for.
Dane Cook Jokes About Having a 23 Year Old Girlfriend
- Are these jokes funny, or creepy?
20 Savage Tweets We Found in between the Sheets
- Welcome back to another round of savage and hilarious...
23 Trashy People Stinking Up Your Garbage Dump
- These people don't even go in the compost.
20 Savage Tweets to Kickstart Your Week
- A round-up of savage tweets to kick off another work...
Kim Kardashian Mercilessly Booed at Rams’ Game
- The celebrity made an appearance at the Rams vs....
Daily Dose Super Sized: 70 Choice Randoms For Bored...
- An extra large serving of cool pics, interesting...
24 Friday Fails and Facepalms
- Enjoy some funny fails to finish your week.
The 20 Most Savage Tweets of the Week
- We've collected some of the best, funniest, and most...
eBaum's Picks