Trucker Jackknifes His Trailer in an Attempt to Reach...
- One trucker proved the integral importance of front...
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‘It’s an IRL Loot Drop’: Security Guard Body...
- One security guard recently learned that police...
‘Woke Meltdown vs Based Passion Rant’: British...
- Bethesda recently celebrated the release of Starfield,...
Somebody Please Stop This Man Making Fried Chicken in...
- Everybody already knows this, but people get up to...
Women Reveal All the Gross Ways Married Men Flirt
- Friends, we are coming up on a year since Adam Levine...
‘Somebody Joined a Very Special Club’: Conspiracy...
- At some point in the last week, German Chancellor Olaf...
Watch a Drunk Driver Call the Cops… On Himself
- Nobody likes drunk drivers. It’s a selfish,...
Remembering the FBI Agent Who Dropped His Gun and Shot...
- You have two choices in life: You can be cool, or you...
The Bar Where You Get Spit on and Slapped — for a...
- Long ago, women learned that horny men will spend...
20 Fantastic Facepalms and Funny Fails
- Some funny fails, flounders and facepalms to get...
‘You Can't Make This Up’: Rich Chicago Suburb...
- One affluent Chicago suburb decided to give its...
A Small Alabama Town Is Enraged Over a Ferret Thief
- A pet store in Alabama is appealing to the public for...
'Call Him Batman': Trucker Fights Off Road-Raging...
- Road rage is all the rage — and thanks to the recent...
Cartel Grenade Guy Blows Up His Crew After He Forgets...
- It’s gotta be stressful to be the grenade guy. While...
29 Randoms Worthy of a Facepalm
- Randoms with a little bit of what the f- attached.
22 Trashy Nightclub Photos Chock Full of Chaos
- Nightclubs are a whole different world of chaos.
‘You Are Disgusting!’: Wife Catches Her Cheating...
- One cheating husband got a free slice of humble pie...
'No Tennis On A Dead Planet!': Climate Protesters...
- The US Open briefly US Closed on Thursday after...
Disney’s New ‘Part of Your World’ Cake Might...
- I can show you the world. I can also show you a...
Traffic Blocking A-Hole Gets Instant, Tackling Karma...
- One guy out on the streets of Melbourne Australia...
20 People Who Had One Job and Still Failed
- Fails from people who could have done better.
12 Failed Stage Dives That Resulted in a Faceplant
- In theory, a stage dive is a pretty simple act....
'I'm Captain of the Soccer Team!': Entitled Sports...
- One daughter learned a hard lesson about driving while...
‘If You’re Not First, You’re Last’: Triathlete...
- Nicole Van der Kaay, an Olympic athlete from New...
'Crying Rooms and Unaliving Jokes': Jimmy Fallon...
- Though comedian Jimmy Fallon may have garnered a...
17 Dumb and Destructive Tourists Who Should Have...
- Tourists have earned their entitled reputation.
Centuries-Old Great Wall of China Decimated By Workers...
- The Great Wall of China is an absolutely breathtaking...
‘That’s Not His GF': High School Football Player...
- She’s not a regular mom, she’s a 'boy mom.'
22 Brutal Comments That Smacked People Down
- Be careful out there guys, you never know who's...
'I'm Feelin' Like Michael Jackson': Super Smash Bros....
- Twitch streamer and professional Super Smash Bros....
Five Workers Killed After Instagram-Famous Elevator At...
- So take it from this tragic accident — not...
'I’m About To Clean His Clock!': Son Catches Dad...
- A romantic fast food lunch quickly took a turn for the...
'Sir, You Hit My Car': Gary Busey Leads Woman On...
- Actor Gary Busey continued his streak of drivers-seat...
'He Did Nothing Wrong': Red Scare Fans Defend Woody...
- “I don’t know what it means to be canceled,” he...
31 Funny Tweets From the Brilliant Minds of Twitter
- Kick back and enjoy some funny tweets.
'This Is An Extinction-Level Event': Footage From the...
- This is an extinction-level event.
The Tabi Swiper: Dude Steals Tinder Date's Tabi Boots,...
- “This man is out here on Tinder and Hinge and he...
‘It’s a boy! It’s a girl!’: Pilot Killed In...
- Though it’s unclear what exactly caused the crash,...
'Stampedes, Half-Built Stages and Angry EDM Bros': All...
- Mere hours before major acts like Galantis, Excision,...
Beached Jeep Shows How Nobody Could Have Escaped...
- All the wettest footage from the rain-soaked black...
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