30 Trending Memes From This Week
- Time flies when your online, and it seems these days...
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Dad Embarrasses Kid by Recreating 'Are Ya Winning,...
- At least he's proud to be the father of a Twitch...
Hateful Karen Gets Caught on Camera Keying a Tesla
- A Tesla owner is crediting his car’s technology for...
25 Bad Jokes People Walked Right Into
- Someone get these people a ladder because these jokes...
Video Explains 7 Reasons Why Shipping Container Homes...
- Thousands of shipping containers are discarded every...
'Call of Duty' Glitch Makes Guy Completely Invisible,...
- Those new camouflage suits are somethin' else.
Boogie2988 Becomes Photoshop Meme After Pulling Gun on...
- Frank Hassle has been apparently harassing Boogie2988...
Boyfriend Loses It When He Sees His Girl Twerking For...
- What the hell are you doing?
Bodycam Footage Shows Brad Parscale, Former Trump...
- After his wife called the police saying he was drunk...
QVC Hosts Argue If the Moon is a Planet or a Star
- They're both wrong, the moon does not exist.
People React To the NYT Claim That Trump Only Paid...
- According to the NYT's, President Donald Trump only...
20 Adult Jokes Slipped into Children's Movies
- These jokes you might have been too young to notice.
Amazon's Game Streaming Service Arrives and Damn Is...
- Here's to hoping Amazon Luna is a sparkling failure.
Soulja Boy Gets Too High while Gaming and Forgets to...
- Use caution when smoking cannabis while gaming.
Maniac Lets a Cicada Killer Sting Him for "Science"
- You may have thought Coyote was done with stings...
When You Thinks It's Just a Fart But Then You Crap...
- Never trust a fart my friends, at least when your diet...
Detroit Driver Arrested After Successfully Jumping...
- An impatient driver decided he wasn't going to wait...
This Local Plumbing Company's Commercial Is a Low...
- Come with me if you want to FLUSH! A world ravaged by...
Lawyers Reveal the Worst Things Clients Tried to Keep...
- Much like doctors, there's a reason you shouldn't try...
24 Tattoos Inked With Regret
- Permanent regret.
Dude Gets Caught Mid-Sentence Trash Talking His Wife's...
- Woody of PKA was explaining some of the problems with...
29 Real Geniuses Showing off Their Stupidity
- People who are just that dumb.
The Moment This Poor Guy Found Out His Friend Was a Rat
- "So I'm the only one being charged for narcotics? Yes."
'My Octopus Teacher' On Netflix, Is Tentacle Erotica
- The new Netflix documentary, about a man who spends...
26 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- Someone get these people a ladder and a step stool...
Obnoxious Biker Gets Offended By a Strong Handshake
- What is this morons problem? And why do bikers think...
Vigilante Gamer Flips the Script on Cheaters with...
- Cheating is finally funny again.
A Big Collection of Fails I Couldn't Help but Laugh At
- Some fails are painful, some are funny, while others...
Two Nerds Arguing About Bonsai Trees, A Dramatic...
- No matter what you're into or what hobbies you have,...
Fartlander, Ween Wedding Nuptials Can't Be Real
- Yeah so it's just a fake shopped wedding invitation,...
Twitter Gets Upset After Not Knowing the Meaning of an...
- Many people on Twitter thought the term 'upset' was...
YouTube Knows Why You Love the Long Jump
- Yeah thanks YouTube, I'm actually a huge fan of the...
Employee Loves Giving His Boss Reasons to Fire Him
- This guy must be good at his job, because pulling...
Loader Doesn't Give A Damn and Obliges Know-it-All...
- Instead of arguing with a know-it-all customer, this...
Woman Has Strong Reaction to the Death of Justice Ruth...
- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died over...
Diesel Truck Goes Boom on Dyno
- When you put all the boost which was well over 100lbs...
25 People Who Got Pure Disappointment For Their...
- Talk about an unhappy birthday.
Sure Looks Like Symfuhny Is Aim-Botting During This...
- It's widely known that Call of Duty: Warzone and Call...
How Not To Load a Dirt-bike In a Truck
- I'm surprised he didn't break his back windshield......
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