Shameless Writer Lied about PS5 Pro and Twitter Lost...
- No, the PS5 Pro is not coming anytime soon.
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TikTok Trend Encourages Women to Expose Their Catfish...
- It’s no secret that deception online is a big thing,...
Teens Watch in Awe as Their Influencer Idol TikToks In...
- The most insane part about this video is not her doing...
The Sky Daddy TikTok
- Sky daddy began trending yesterday and many people...
Guy Nearly Burns Himself Alive in an Elevator after...
- This moron was trying to light a "flaming drink" and...
Influencer Marketing School Gives Us Terrible Vibes
- The video went viral on Twitter the other day, and...
15 Cheat Codes So Dumb They Should Be Illegal
- Cheating is supposed to be fun, but these are a real...
The McRib is Back and it Looks Like Shit
- The McCrapYourPants is back on the menu boys!
35 Fresh Memes To Laugh At
- Take a well-deserved break and load your batteries...
23 People Who Didn't Read the Safety Manual
- Safety first? Not in our house!
Big Batch of Memes to Peruse as You Please (40 Images)
- When you need a break from the day, take a bite out of...
30 Odd and Interesting Posts From Tumblr
- Tumblr is a grab bag of random posts and thoughts from...
15 Most Embarrassing Fails in Video Game Journalism...
- Some people actually got fired over these flubs.
'Super Nintendo World' Theme Park Is Opening Soon and...
- Predicting right now this will be the biggest flop of...
The Best Nate Robinson KO Memes
- The internet was quick to turn Nate Robinson into a...
40 Funny Pics and Memes For Bored Individuals
- Take a break from the day and scroll through this fine...
The Workplace From Your Nightmares
- The Shabooya Roll call is a call and response game...
Funny Memes and Dumb Posts We Can Appreciate (30...
- Funny posts and dumb memes that went equal parts right...
Guy Crashes His Brand New Motorcycle Trying to Showoff...
- Guy showing off on his new motorcycle, wipes out on a...
Boyfriend Throws a Fit When His GF Calls Him "Shy" On...
- Twitch streamer Jewel made the mistake of calling her...
Woman's Cheating Boyfriend Assumption Turns out to Be...
- Her iPhone was "casting" to the TV in the living room...
Thread: People Who Believe in Prehistoric Giants
- If only you knew how bad things really were. These...
15 Food Orders That Were Hilariously Misunderstood
- You know the saying "you should be careful what you...
Karen Objects at her Own Son's Wedding
- A couple's happy day is ruined when a Mama Karen...
17 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- The old saying "beggars can't be choosers" is...
Dank Memes to Freshen Your Senses (38 Images)
- Enjoy a fresh batch of funnies and scroll your way...
Fresh Pics And Memes For Exquisite Minds (30 Images)
- The forbidden fruit, the elixir of life, the reason to...
24 Logo Designs That Need Revising
- Sometimes, you need to step away and check your design...
15 People Who Were a Little Too Big for Their Britches
- Liar, liar, plants for hire.
21 Wannabe Chefs Who Suck at Plating
- How do I even eat this?
British People Are Bidding up to $87,000 to Buy a...
- A scam so dumb it just might work.
Funny Pics and Memes That Speak the Truth (44 Images)
- It might be hard to argue with these, so we advise you...
Funny Pics and Memes to Put the Day on Pause (43...
- Take a break from the day and enjoy a fresh batch of...
Kenneth Copeland Speaking In Tongues
- Kenneth Copeland is so full of sh*t, I can smell him...
Ellen DeGeneres Being Mean to a Baby
- Why does Ellen DeGenres hate babies so much?
36 Awful Texts From People's Exes
- Texts like these are probably a big part of why...
Calling BS on the Horny Gamers Who Want to Bust for...
- "Are ya winnin' son?"
LL Cool J's Song For 'Deep Blue Sea' Is So Bad, His...
- Dude, stop, your hat is *NOT* a shark fin.
Idiots In Cars : The Dumbest Overtakers Edition
- Compilation of drivers making some of the dumbest...
36 Pics That Technically Aren't Wrong
- These memes are so wrong that they're right in their...
eBaum's Picks