And you thought *your* workplace was bad.
It’s pretty hard to overstate how bad the rise of fast fashion has been for the world. While it’s pretty great that you can buy a decent T-shirt for the price of a cup of coffee, it’s not exactly admirable that such a deal comes at the cost of creating a Pangea-sized mass of dye and plastic in the middle of the ocean.
Plus, even though those items are cheap, we only wear them around seven times before throwing them away — usually because that low cost means that they’re of shitty, low quality.
When you toss a clothing item, or when a manufacturer overproduces clothes, it might end up in a place like this, where it gets processed back into fibers to be reused. And, let me tell you, this place looks absolutely terrible to work.
How do workplaces like this even exist
byu/H_G_Bells inCrazyFuckingVideos