Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Is Gonna Be Super...
- You won't technically be able to beat this game, only...
Media articles
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How Much Aimbot and ESP Cheats Cost, and Where to Find...
- Cheat sellers for PC games are all pretty scammy, but...
"Resident Evil" Is Coming to Netflix and Fans Couldn't...
- By focusing on the daughters of villain Albert Wesker,...
Wayback WHENsday: Baby-Crazed Teen Has 5 Kids Today
- The O.G. teen mom made her dreams a reality.
"Gamer Girl" Is Definitely Not a Video Game for Women
- Some are calling it the "simp-ulator."
Apple Is Getting Roasted for Their New iOS That Smells...
- All the features you don't want for a price you can't...
PETA's Virtual "Animal Crossing" Protest Blows Right...
- Video games don't make people violent, but they do...
Twitter Can't Believe the Audacity of This Male Karen
- Twitter is great at finding the worst things on the...
Kylie Jenner is the Queen of Catfish
- You're not ugly, you're just poor, the words circle my...
Karen's of America Are Tired of the Lockdown
- Karen would like to speak to the manager of COVID-19.
Three of the Most Frustrating Stimulus Check Stories
- The IRS is sending stimulus checks to dead people and...
The Full History of the "Dancing Pallbearers" Meme
- Everything you could ever know about a single meme.
Twitter Cries Conspiracy As Videos of Dancing Nurses...
- If you do a Twitter search for ' Dancing Nurses'...
Ellen Gets Torn a New One After Saying Her Quarantine...
- Ellen continues her campaign to become the most...
Karen's Have Had Enough of the Misogynistic Karen Meme
- The Karens are upset that we keep making fun of them...
Priests Embarrass Themselves With Video Filters While...
- Miracles sure aren't what they used to be.
1 in 30 People Say They Poop in the Shower
- And those are just the ones who have admitted it.
Dude Accidentally Shoots Gun While Making Video & Gets...
- He really looks at the blunt like it fired the gun.
Boston Market's Failed Twitter Post Should Be a Lesson...
- Boston market posted an old memes on Twitter recently...
I am Fun By Hillary Clinton is Our Worst Post of The...
- Worst post of the week is a new series were doing...
The Emasculation of Prince Harry in Six Pictures
- Is it gay to have a hot a** wife now? Dammit.
Woman Gets Laughed at After Sending the Worst...
- Umm, sorry Karen but that isn't going to fly here.
Kylie Jenner Proves Rich People Say One Thing and Do...
- Leave it to rich people to say one thing and do...
Eddie Gallagher is the First 'Social Media Influencer'...
- Eddie Gallagher isn't just a crazed war criminal but...
The Great AirPods Disappointment Of Christmas 2019
- The only thing worse than being broke on Christmas is...
CATS The Musical Is "Too Horny For Its Own Good"
- People felt like they were just a second away from the...
DoD Honors Nazi War Criminal on The 75th Anniversary...
- Just another day in the great US of A.
The Biggest Internet F**k Ups Of The Decade
- These people messed up so bad we're still going to be...
Girlfriend Charged With Her BF's Suicide Releases...
- After being charged with the death of her boyfriend,...
Good Day Sacramento Reporter Fired After Damaging...
- This moron seriously laid on the trunk of a show car...
'Sexy Vegan' Arrested for Sexually Assaulting His Dog
- Sexy Vegan, born Hansel DeBartolo III, has been...
Antifa Block an Old Woman From Crossing the Street...
- Fighting fascism by preventing little old ladies from...
'Cuck' The Incel Inspired Movie Looks Beta AF
- Only soyboys and betas will go see this movie.
Clueless Instagrammers Are Taking Photos at a...
- WTF! Anything for a like.
Dog Having an Existential Crisis After Catching His...
- Dogs are the best. They do the best things. They were...
Vegan YouTuber Who Fought Cancer With Biting...
- She pulled a Steve Jobs. Didn't work out for her...
Company Loses $145 Million Bucks Cause The Only Person...
- Did they try 'password1234'? Or '6969'? That's what...
Man Gets in Fight at the Mall and Gets Stabbed With...
- Well, that didn't go according to plan.
Mom Sends 5 Year Old To School With Blow-Up Sex Doll
- Kindergardner Accidentally Brings Blow-Up Sex Doll to...
Corpus Christi Police Destroyed 400 "Pot Plants" Only...
- An embarrassing incident for the cops, as the clueless...
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