Pet Bear Performs Some Impressive Tricks
- Crazy tricks this Russian man taught his pet bear.
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Puppy Vocalizes His Displeasure With Having To Get Up
- We all can relate to this, he is clearly not a morning...
Perfectly Timed Photos
- 18 Images captured in time, at the right time.
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
Shiba Inu Rides A Tortoise
- Onward my trusty steed!
Dog Encounters Fish For The First Time
- Wait for it..
Weather Vs. Climate Change
- Neil deGrasse Tyson breaks it down and drops some...
Cat Asking To Be Pet
- Please pet me hooman!
25 Horrifying And Hilarious Face Swaps
- These face swaps will either make you laugh or leave...
Adorable Otters Playing Keyboard
- Move over, Mozart!
Oil Workers Film Tornado While Escaping
- These guys seem unbelievably calm to be that close to...
Jenga Cat
- A smart cat plays Jenga with it's owner, seems like a...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Enjoy your Memorial Day with a fresh batch of...
Perfect Salt Cubes Formed In The Dead Sea
- What an amazing natural phenomenon.
Policeman Stops Traffic For Crossing Ducks
- This is the best cop video you'll see all day.
Dog Abused, Abandoned And Left For Dead
- The touching story behind his amazing transformation....
A Dog And His Bucket
- No one will ever be as happy as this dog.
Cat Saves Little Boy From Stray Dog Attack
- Home security camera captured the heroic cats response.
Cute Bunny Eating Raspberries
- And now it's wearing lipstick.
Are These Random Facts True or False?
- Test out your "bullsh*t detector" on these random...
13 Animal "Facts" That Are Totally False
- The animals never corrected us, so we just kept...
Little Boy Gets A Llama Loogie
- Right in the face, gross!
9 Beagles Rescued From Animal Testing Lab
- These beagles had never seen the light of day, been...
Intense Footage From Inside A Tornado
- Tornado rips through a playground and ravages...
Blind Dog Plays Fetch
- Using vocal commands "hot, cold, warmer, left and...
The Diving Snapping Turtle Returns
- Golf is so boring, the announcers get excited over a...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh round of randomness!
Kitty Likes His Hugs
- Franzie the Cat asks to be picked up for a hug and...
Little Dog With A Big Appetite
- The other dogs never had a chance.
22 Interesting Hair Styles For Dogs
- Alternatively, 22 Dogs Who Hate Their Owners....
Cat Trying To Catch The Bass
- This kitten is super confused by the low end of this...
GoPro Slow-Mo Lightning
- Shot at 720p, 120fps. and slowed to 15fps. League...
Cat Runs Into Bakery's Glass Door
- During filming for a TV show, a cat becomes another...
Governments Insane Animal Experiments
- Two-headed dogs, LSD Elephants, and bionic cats anyone?
Great White Shark Attacks Inflatable Boat!
- A scary moment as a Great White takes a bite of this...
Steadfast Stanley: The Zombie Apocalypse
- A Corgi left behind searches for his human during the...
Possible Bigfoot Sighting In Canada
- Bear, Sasquatch or somehow staged? What do you think?
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness.
The Ringing Rocks, Montana
- Cool natural phenomenon that ring like a bell when you...
Happy Dogs And A Cat In Australia
- Pharrell's "Happy" with animals enjoying a day at the...
eBaum's Picks