Watch a Bunch of Cars Go Flying Off an Unmarked Speed Bump What a fun way to destroy your car’s frame!
The 32 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours While you're prepping for the scariest day of the year, take a break and have a stupid laugh.
25 More Photos of What the World Looked Like In 1976 1976 was a year filled with political tension, cultural icons, and unforgettable formative moments for everyone in their late 50s. In short, America at its best.
35 Insane Posts Collected from Boomer Facebook Pages We want to be clear, we don’t find these memes funny, or even understand many of them.
28 Hilarious Tweets and Great Reactions to the World Series Fan Interference "I patrol that wall and they know that. If it’s in our area, we’re going to ‘D’ up.”
Movie Mistakes: 40 Film Flops and Editing Fails That Made The Final Cut Check out this big batch of mistakes, blunders, and missteps that eagle-eyed fans noticed in these classic movies and television shows.
Dude Builds a Homemade Fire Cannon with Just Two Water Bottles With just a few items you can find around the house, you too can build a fiery death machine.
25 Fails and Facepalms to Turn Your Forehead Red Our themes this week are Chinese Halloween, dumb things you can buy, Dwayne Wade's new statue, and of course, general life chaos.
People Volunteer to Get Punched in the Liver, Then Regret It Honestly, what did you think was going to happen?
25 People About to Get Eaten by Real-Life Monsters Take a look and experience another reason to never leave your house.
Dude Trying to Work Out Gets Attacked By His Basketball Hoop Thought you were jumping rope? Fat chance, you’re playing basketball now!
Some Jerk Tried to Steal a Ball Out of an Outfielder’s Mitt Mid-Catch See that face? That’s the face of someone who’s just finding out that he’s never going to be allowed back at an MLB game.
47 Wednesday Morning Randoms to Help Climb the Hump The Dwayne Wade statue, and plenty more entertaining pics, memes, and tweets.
This World Record Laser Light Show Will Definitely Give You a Seizure This is definitely too many lasers.